
this message may be offensive
P. S. 
          	        Sorry for the little mix up in my message...  I recently changed my name to Levi Jaegerman, but I haven't gotten used to it yet, so I made a mistake...  You guys mill be called my brats and I will refer to my self as Levi and sign out as Lance Corporal Jaegerman . Sorry again for my little fuck up! 
          	                     ~Lance Corporal Jaegerman 


this message may be offensive
P. S. 
                  Sorry for the little mix up in my message...  I recently changed my name to Levi Jaegerman, but I haven't gotten used to it yet, so I made a mistake...  You guys mill be called my brats and I will refer to my self as Levi and sign out as Lance Corporal Jaegerman . Sorry again for my little fuck up! 
                               ~Lance Corporal Jaegerman 


Hello my lords and ladies! This is Ciel here with an important announcement! For those of you who read The Big Book Of Riren and replied on the comment by Ash Valker, you must have seen his and my conversation where we bonded and decided to trade numbers. We did indeed trade numbers and were taking for quite a while and began to RP as if we were in the same room. One thing led to another and now we are happily long distance dating! And by not only same room RPing, but also sending pictures of each other, we have been able to be happy with out even needing to see each other! I suggest at least trying our situation, because what I have with Victor is just...  Amazing... Well, my lords and ladies, this is the end of my message, so have a great day and stay fuckin' fabulous! 
                                                        -Akume Shieru