
So- I posted parts of “I’m Trying”- you should go read it. Thanks 


Just finished reading it I love it  it’s great loved it  


Ooh, I apologise I didn’t even notice. I’ll start reading it as soon as I’ve finished my current one, should be within the next few days :)


Hey when will you update I’m dead


So 'I'm Dead' is completed, and the sequel 'I'm Trying' is up and has around 9(?) chapters already posted for it! I am currently working on writing the sequel and trying to rewrite 'I'm Dead' but I'm having major writers block so updates and progress is slow going but I have all intentions of continuing the series! 


So- I posted parts of “I’m Trying”- you should go read it. Thanks 


Just finished reading it I love it  it’s great loved it  


Ooh, I apologise I didn’t even notice. I’ll start reading it as soon as I’ve finished my current one, should be within the next few days :)


Gonna be working on chapter 8 if "I'm Trying" today after work, the progress on it might slow down a bit bc I have family coming to town for a funeral (don't kys Edward (hahaha funny)) but I'mma try and knock out these 3 chapters so I can post them. Might just be a bit longer than I anticipated- 


Guys- chapter 7 of "Im trying" is almost done meaning 3 more chapters until I upload the next book  also- I feel like I'm making Xerxies more... Idk- happy????? But like gurl deserves to be happy. Plus I think with how I'm taking the story it makes sense???? I'll explain more in the actual story bc no spoilers  also- I LOVE Y'ALLL!!!!!


Can I genuinely ask why y'all follow me??? Like did you read one of my stories and go "yeah I'll follow them why not" or what? Like I'm baffled there's over 200 of y'all please tell me bc I'd rlly like to know


@Snowbearxbtsxarmy makes sense- and thank you for telling me!!! 


@Levi_Rae_ Your story “I’m dead “ was great and so I can get notified when u write similar stories.


this message may be offensive
The chase scene between the Cullen's and Victoria during Eclipse was soooo good no one can change my mind. Also Jacob was hot as shit but cringe as f*ck- like "you're kind" bro- you racist??? Cause you soundin like it. 


Rewatching Twilight: Eclipse for "I'm Trying" reminds me of how cringy Bella and Edward are- and how much I hated the way Bella treated Charlie. Also- y'all why was Jasper the most sexy in this singular movie? They did our southern man wrong in all the other movies smh


To those who have been wondering about my decision with "I'm Dead" and it's sequel, we'll I'm glad to say that I have a description and a title for the Sequel!! The second book will be known as "I'm Trying" and it'll follow the events of Eclipse. I have started on it and just finished the first chapter. I'm not sure when I'll start publishing it yet, but I do know that I'm waiting for at least the first 10 or so chapters before I do so. When I publish I will post the first 10 chapters. And when I say first 10 I do not mean the playlist, mood boards, ect. Yes I'll publish all that as well, but along with the first 10 actual chapters. 


@Levi_Rae_ I will definitely check it out! I can’t wait! I’m so excited! 


@QueenJellyJello I've actually just posted a chapter on "I'm dead" giving a little more detail on what the new story will be about (it mainly just gives the description and the pairings) if you wanna go check it out! 


Can’t wait! I’m very excited. 


hello, i really loved "i'm dead", but i'm asking on whether you have any plans on continuing it now? i'm not pressuring you nor rushing you! i love it so much and i look forward to rereading it!


So "I'm Dead" is finished. It's the first book in I'm not sure how many. I've actually just wrote the first chapter on the second book. I'm going to try and get the first maybe 10(?) chapters out and then I'll work on the rest from there. However, I've only just begun really writing it due to writers block.


I absolutely loved I’m dead it was ‍  
          I love the amount of depth you added to the characters and it really is it’s own fic, like I haven’t read anything very similar to it and I applaud you for that because originality is somewhat hard to come by with volturi fics.
          If you end up writing a sequel it will probably be just as good if not better and if you don’t that’s fine because you don’t owe us readers anything. 
          Sorry for the essay but I’m in love so… ❤️


I don't know how to respond- I'm like- honestly I wrote "I'm Dead" for myself and shits and gigs, I never thought anyone would like it or that it would blow up like this. Thank you and everyone else. It truly warms my heart when I read comments or when people post on my message board. 
            I plan to write a sequel it's just hard at times. I'm hoping to come up with a good plot for the sequel and for there to be more depth and plot points. In my opinion "I'm Dead" felt a little all over the place at times so I'm hoping to have the sequel more put together. 
            As of the moment I haven't really started writing the second book, but I have some ideas for it and how to incorporate Xerxies into the whole Eclipse movie. 