I think that appledash is hogwarts AU's is a bit weird
Cause I always see RD in gryffindor and AJ in Hufflepuff
So if you go by the "the houses are the value they value the most/aspire to be" then it's accurate
But if you go by "the houses are the value they most are like" then RD should be in Hufflepuff cause loyalty is a key feature of that house
I mean there are Hufflepuffs that do not fit the mould that's where the word hufflepunks comes from like Nymphadora Tonks and Teddy Lupin I mean srsly Rainbow fits the Hufflepuff model so well it's AJ thats slightly complicated
Like honestly cause even though Hufflepuff has one of its core values as honesty, I think AJ would fit more in gryffindor cause she's a bit more "standing up for your beliefs no matter what" and shes usually the friend who will tell you the honest truth to your face and stuff and though it's a trait of Hufflepuff I think it's more prominent in gryffindor idk
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