
I'm back after an overly extended 'break'. I originally hadn't planned to continue my stories but I've decided to go ahead and put in some elbow grease, update them and continue them. I want to update all the current chapters before I add any new ones to not only refresh myself with my own stories but to also not burn myself out as I always do. To anyone that's stuck around, thank you and I hope to have something for you to enjoy soon. 


I'm back after an overly extended 'break'. I originally hadn't planned to continue my stories but I've decided to go ahead and put in some elbow grease, update them and continue them. I want to update all the current chapters before I add any new ones to not only refresh myself with my own stories but to also not burn myself out as I always do. To anyone that's stuck around, thank you and I hope to have something for you to enjoy soon. 


continue the mermaid book pls


@ticklesgirl thanks, I hope it works out for ya


@ticklesgirl maybe, i'll consider it, that is a pretty good idea


@ticklesgirl hmm well then how about something like she was a mermaid for her whole life but she now figures it out and she can't change back to human because of some reason