I meant to post an two-parter announcement yesterday, but apparently it didn't upload correctly, so here it is again with probable word changes because I can't remember exactly what I said :D
Since I've been teasing a new CM fanfic on TikTok, I figured it was about time to give a general update on everything as well as answer a frequent question that I get on my TikTok. I'm also going to reply to this message with specifics about each individual book (each book will be in one message).
Truthfully, as of late, I've been a slump with everything and have just been doing whatever whenever. One of the more draining aspects of my life SHOULD be changing for the better sometime soon, so I'm hoping this positive change will allow me to put more time into my priorities and help me develop a decent writing schedule.
Like I stated previously, I will be replying to this message with individual book updates, but I want to answer the famed question, "When will ___ be published?"
When it comes to any of my fanfics, I have no idea when they will be published, mainly because I don't have a strict writing schedule, but also because I tend to have writer's block A LOT. I've also been debating how/when to publish because I don't want a repeat of "Things Are Complicated" where I had to stop and start revamping it before the story itself was finished.
With that, I will go ahead and post this so I can give everyone proper book updates :)