
Just a reminder I'm up to chapter eighteen of she loved the sinners incase any of you all missed any chapters 
          The reason the next update is taking so long is because I'm working on a specific character arc that is split into three chapters and I'm gonna get all three of them up at the same time


I would like everyone to know
          Tainted soul will not be being continued. I would like to apologise because I know many of you follow me for that book
          After thinking about it I realised I do not have motivation to finish it anymore 
          And that I needed to stop trying to rewrite old ideas 
          As they were never thought through or I have lost motivation for 
          I would like to say thank you for all the support on that book and I will always love what that story could have become 
          But I started writing when I was 14. It helped me a lot while I was being bullied but it was a way to escape and I never thought story's through
          All the ideas I have had previously 
          My first ever book. Love is weakness or is it a Bellamy blake story
          And then wild card — maze runner 
          Defender — vikings 
          And i stopped writing a 
          I restarted my account at 16 and came back fresh starting from the beginning with tainted soul and that book gave me so much support 
          The vampire diaries was special to me since it introduced me to fanfic to my escape 
          But I turn 18 this year and I have never completed a book. I've been so focused on old ideas that I never truly thought through 
          And twdu was the first fandom I was apart of. Which has made me so excited and motivated for she loved the sinners 
          And I hope to finish it before I turn 18 this year 
          So I really do apologise for those of you that will miss tainted soul but I believe me moving away from it would be better then half writing it and with 0 motivation 
          Thank you all for the support 
          And I hope for those of you that do enjoy TWDU you will like she loved the sinners