To everyone out there, Sad, Depressed, etc know that someone cares, PEOPLE CARE GODDAMN IT! Before you cut, before you open the pill bottle, before you do anything, KNOW THAT PEOPLE CARE! I’m just not going to hide it, I’m crying I’m unhappy, Go ahead call me “Attention seeker” CALL ME WHATEVER NAMES YOU WANT! BEFORE YOU BULLY SOMEONE YOU SHOULD KNOW STUFF ABOUT THEIR PERSONAL LIFE! I was bullied in the 5th grade, back then I had no idea what cutting was, I just wanted to die! I constantly thought about going into my kitchen and stabbing myself with one of the knifes in there, but I stopped myself I told myself that I still had so much to look forward to! In the 6th almost 7th grade summer year, I Almost cutted, But the sissors I tried to use weren’t good, and I’m thankful for that, Even today I think about killing myself, and how I would do it, but I never do anything, And whoever you are who is reading this, you shouldn’t either! Please take this to heart, People care, I may know you irl I care