
Looking back at where I’ve started and where I’m going can be cringey, but I am so thankful for the chance to always be better. I want to get better at posting more often and boosting my creativity and writing skills. Any tips?


So, I don't really want to start a whole new book, but I wrote a little prose 'bout a rose and was wondering if you could tell me what you thought. Also, so sorry for the long wait on the updates. I have some really lame excuses though. I have been really busy with school, and working on a musical, but I will try to post more on Spring Break.  Also please follow me on Pintrest @AnneSnell.
          Roses are like life, 
          The stem is how long your life is.
          The thorns are troubles in your life,
          Be there a lot or just a little.
          The leaves are little rewards,
          like friend.
          But they also signify that problems have ended,
          and that there are more to come.
          Now the actual rose pedals,
          When they are all together, 
          They make a very good thing.
          And hopefully that's heaven.
          A rose seed is like when you were formed and in the womb.
          The sprout is when you were born.
          A seedling is when you are a kid,
          just starting to bloom.
          A half-way grown rose is when you are a teenager,
          starting to bloom your way into your prime.
          A full grown rose is when you are all grownup,
          fully into your prime.
          When a rose is drooping, 
          You've hit your mid-life crisis.
          When a rose is dead,
          Well you get the gist of it.
          But don't worry, the life cycle for a rose happens all over again with a new seed that the old one made. Just like the human life-cycle starts all over again with your kid. 
          What stage of the rose are you?