
One of the risks of setting up the end of a book you haven't written yet is that you might discover the characters would logically end up making different choices than you initially planned. I plot things out, but you never really know until you're filling things in...and so...
          	My epilogue in Unfated Mates has a teeny tiny error that I am updating for any future copies sold. I had initially thought Preston wouldn't have revealed to Nat the relationship between him and Ethan, but it ended up being more consistent with his character to have him expose it.


@SKSpeciale Thank you! I agree :)


@LexieTalionis Hey, that happens. I always say the characters write their stories, decide their fates. I'm sure your ending is great.


Just seen that you have Preston and Ethan’s story on Kindle Unlimited- it must all be pretty exciting.
          Congrats xx


@SoDepraved Thank you! My Lethe line is much more intense and crazy--in a more serious way sometimes than I think some expect. I hope you still enjoy it though!


I see.
            Well, I hope they get the audience they deserve. Hopefully platforms such as GR and also Wattpad of course, generate some real interest.
            Good luck, I’m moving on to your other books after I finish a series I’m following at the mo. Xx


@SoDepraved Thank you! Well, maybe more nerve racking than exciting, but close enough. Lol. I am trying to figure out optimal timing for releasing on KU with my titles, and I don't know yet. Some say to wait because of Amazon's algorithm--that you get another boost with their marketing once you release on KU. I tried that with book 1 but really didn't notice a difference. Maybe because I'm still too tiny so there's not enough data.


One of the risks of setting up the end of a book you haven't written yet is that you might discover the characters would logically end up making different choices than you initially planned. I plot things out, but you never really know until you're filling things in...and so...
          My epilogue in Unfated Mates has a teeny tiny error that I am updating for any future copies sold. I had initially thought Preston wouldn't have revealed to Nat the relationship between him and Ethan, but it ended up being more consistent with his character to have him expose it.


@SKSpeciale Thank you! I agree :)


@LexieTalionis Hey, that happens. I always say the characters write their stories, decide their fates. I'm sure your ending is great.


Hi there,
          I have just CONSUMED unfated mates on my kindle and saw that you are also writing on wattpad so have subsequently gobbled down Preston and Ethan’s book.
          Honestly, they are amazing stories, huge congratulations to you.
          Already my friends on Goodreads have shown a lot of interest at my 5 star rating and I predict that shortly you are going to have so many more people pick it up as it’s fabulous.
          Just wanted to say thank you and also how much fun and how powerful book 2 of Unfated Mates is when you are filling in the blanks and the story isn’t based around the dialogue and events of book 1.
          Really enjoying it and am now about to read your other works also.
          Have a great day.


@SoDepraved I will add it to my TBR pile to read once I'm out of writing mode! I am tragically a sponge and can't read anyone else while I'm trying to write. It infiltrates my brain and I get all screwed up. It's weird. But I read your blurbs, and they sound like my kind of story!! 
            And I can't believe light non-con got taken down!! I think Wattpad (and pretty much all the major sites) are all too inconsistent with how they apply their rules. I am still a bit worried that Amazon will ban Unfated Mates, and I hope by disclosing things in the blurb, only the right people will read (and hopefully I'll escape being mass reported, which I suspect triggers reactions from these behemoth companies).


@LexieTalionis I had one called ‘Coerced’ which had forms of beast so didn’t go down well with Wattpad but I thought it was fab! And another which had a very very light theme of non-con but was subsequently taken down as well.
            I do have my main one on my profile which has done well on here, check it out my love. I have some fab comments and lots of followers/ comments.
            It’s lovely when someone appreciates what you’ve written. X
            But I am now definitely a new follower of yours and will check out your series ASAP. Xxx


@SoDepraved Oh, that is both awesome and so awful at the same time!! To lose a story!! My heart really does break for you :'( What was it about?
            And now I'm very excited hoping you might be one of the readers to really appreciate my Lethe series! It's a story that's been with me in my head a very long time, and I finally decided to write it down.
            Thank you so much for your encouragement!!


I just thought that I should tell you that I’m someone that hates to read 2 or more part stories, but after reading flames of Lethe, I’m going to read more, you are a literary genius. I love you.


@Symiah317 'Thank you' isn't a big enough response!! My poor Flames book gets so beaten up on Goodreads by people who are upset. I appreciate you telling me this! :')


Almost ready to post **The Scene** for Unfated Mates! Just remember, this is rough draft - I'll tweak it.


@LexieTalionis yay!! Don't forget to take a break to spend some time with your laddie though. 
            I'm so excited to see what amazing creations this year has in store for us from you *I wish emoticons worked in here*


@maiziedoll HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I'm writing!


Wait* P.S. Happy New Year!!!


Dreams of Lethe: only 1 or 2 more sections to go! I had another 3 full chapters I was going to include, but when I was writing the wedding scene, I realized it had a sense of completion. A full circle element to it, and I didn't want to reintroduce all the trauma at the end of the book and leave you with a gigantic tragedy and cliff hanger (slight spoiler for book 3). So instead, I'm moving those chapters to the beginning of book 3, which I think will actually be better overall for both books.
          So...the climax...between all four...is coming...soon...


All four referring to Jo and Jo's boys.


OMG...the outrage begins. The Kindle version of Flames of Lethe just released and with it...one star reviews!! They just can't handle the dark...
          But at least they said it was really well written! 
          Oh, and btw...IT'S FREE FOR THE NEXT 5 DAYS!!! And if those of you who liked it wanted to leave a review, I would be very grateful! The outrage crowd is very loud...
          Link by country can be accessed here for most: https://www.lexietalionis.com/flamesoflethe


@Ne-Ne20 Which make you and my stories a perfect match! <3 <3 <3


Honestly I have purchased some of my all time favorite books because I read a one star review. But maybe that’s because I love darkness.


I will be removing the bulk of my chapters within the next week and only keeping the last couple chapters I'm writing available. 
          This is so that those of you who have been following along with my rough drafts will still be able to read them as I write! I love your company and appreciate your feedback!
          But now that I'm selling on Amazon, people are starting to look me up and find me here, and I don't want to spoil Flames of Lethe by giving them access to Dreams of Lethe too soon. 
          I have not yet decided how much of Unfated Mates to keep online, but I will be removing most of Dreams of Lethe at least. I'm almost done writing the next part and will post it soon.


Thank you!! I love Caleb & Nat :')


@LexieTalionis I’m soooo here for it 


@Ne-Ne20 Lol. Don't worry--I'm a purist! The story shall be told...


I promise I won't bug you about this again until Nov 15-16 when Amazon allows reviews, but it would be sooo amazing if you would also add a review to Goodreads (which is available now)! 
          Thank you thank you thank you!


@agailwrites Thank you - I really appreciate it!


@LexieTalionis I haven't finished the book yet but I will definitely drop a review once I'm ready