Just seen that you have Preston and Ethan’s story on Kindle Unlimited- it must all be pretty exciting. Congrats xx

@SoDepraved Thank you! My Lethe line is much more intense and crazy--in a more serious way sometimes than I think some expect. I hope you still enjoy it though!

I see. Well, I hope they get the audience they deserve. Hopefully platforms such as GR and also Wattpad of course, generate some real interest. Good luck, I’m moving on to your other books after I finish a series I’m following at the mo. Xx

@SoDepraved Thank you! Well, maybe more nerve racking than exciting, but close enough. Lol. I am trying to figure out optimal timing for releasing on KU with my titles, and I don't know yet. Some say to wait because of Amazon's algorithm--that you get another boost with their marketing once you release on KU. I tried that with book 1 but really didn't notice a difference. Maybe because I'm still too tiny so there's not enough data.