
I've been writing more books without posting them here. They are all on my linktree. I'll try to have 3 books out every month, but that is not a guarantee


Ephemeral Echoes is coming out at 5 AM EST. It may be the last book I post here, but I don't know yet. I have several books out, so hopefully I can do a whole series of all the books I've written. Not all of the books made it here, but that is okay. I do have several books out on Barnes and Noble, so if you'd like to check everything out there, I will most definitely provide the link for you to do so.


I am going to be working on many books and I will hopefully get them out soon. I will not be posting chapters, but I will post the summaries so you can see what each chapter is about. I hope you understand. This is a lot of work for me, but I will do my best to get through the books as fast as possible. There are a lot of things going on in my life right now, so I may not be able to do a lot with the books.


I'm working on the full book now. Its just some minor edits I'm making, so please be patient as I broke Google docs with a 374 page document lol. I'll let you know when the final book is done and when it'll be available to you guys as an ebook. I won't update if it is a physical book, so be on the lookout on Barnes and Noble since that is where I sell the books.


"The Diary of Ocean: The Year 2010" is complete! All parts should be out by 1 pm today. If you do not see days, let me know. I will check around 2 pm as I am editing the book to be one you can buy. I will let you know if anything changes with the book!


I have posted quite a few posts on the book "The Diary of Ocean: The Year 2010" today. Please keep in mind, that these are my thoughts and not what will be in the book. I hope you enjoy it. I am going to keep writing, but it may take a while because I like making a lot of parts and then posting them which can take a few days. Happy Holidays!


My new book "The Diary of Ocean: The Year 2010" is coming along, but slowly. I'm going to work on it year by year because my dumb brain thought a year short. This book is going to be long and I have a lot of work to publish for you guys. I'm sorry it's taking so long, but I am trying. My first book is out for you guys to buy now! It's an EBook, but I'm working on getting it published as a copy you can buy in stores. If you do see my book posted by me on another website, or in person, I will happily sign it for you. I will let you know when the book is out and where I will be located to sign it for you. There will be times when I can't work on my books, so if I don't post new diary dates on the book, just know I couldn't get to it. I made it into August, finally lol. This stuff is off the top of my head and not written anywhere for me to reference it. I love y'all and I hope to get this book finished soon.


The story "A New Beginning: Garrett's Journey from Texas To California" is slowly coming together. I am not going to schedule anything. I am going to release them on my own time. My first story is completely finished. I hope you enjoy these books as they are being published!