@Kara_writes - Yeah , i was confused about something. I just had to read a little more. I was just like 'i thought Araleth(thats her name right?) was a demon ?! So why was her eyes blue?' and then i read a little more and was like OHHHHHHHH . Lol , Nevermind .
@Kara_writes - Yeah , i was confused about something. I just had to read a little more. I was just like 'i thought Araleth(thats her name right?) was a demon ?! So why was her eyes blue?' and then i read a little more and was like OHHHHHHHH . Lol , Nevermind .
Hey, I noticed the comment on The Cursed Series, but I think you might have deleted it. If you're still confused about this--just ask, and I'll be happy to cleat thing up! (: