

The moon has awoken, with the sleep of sun. The light has been broken, the spell has begun. Owl's howl and witches' cackle. You never know when spells have been handled.
          What's next? What's the next Incantation for the spell? Can you guess? You can't.
          Enter the magical world of Incantation awards and take out your wands, spell it out and let's see what you get.




          My author bestie @Ariyanakook and me are hosting SNOWFLAKES WINTER AWARDS, where books of all genres are accepted. 
          If you're interested, please participate in these awards. You can be a judge too. 
          Also share this post as much as you can.


Paper Idols Information!
          Alright judging has been finished and the category I entered has been done as well! Though I didn't get top three I was given outside constructive criticism that will definitely help me with improving! The fun thing about writing is we don't stop learning and I'm thankful for having that learning opportunity! I also will begin updating the story weekly again and i'll be publishing a new chapter later today so look forward to that!