
The prologue to The Private Life is now up! It's short but it's a sneak peek into the book! More will be coming soon!


Hey guys so lately I've been putting a bunch of time into my school work, which is sorta starting to become controllable.  Lately I have also been collaborating with @KatieBeckett and working on a Calum fanfic called Shook Up. It's about Ashton's sister Taegan, who has a seperation anxiety disorder, specifically for Ashton.  Over time this disorder starts to become for someone else-- Calum --without her realizing it.  I hope you guys like it.  It will be starting to be posted soon.  it would have been sooner, but my phone was holding all of the info and it got deleted so this set us back quite a bit. I'm not sure exactly when we will start posting, hopefully soon.  Keep an eye out for it, follow her, and then you'll be notified when it first gets posted.
          Also, The Private Life won't be doing weekly updates like I had originally planned., but I will still hopefully be posting it on February 8th-- my birthday.  Torn In Two, my personal fanfic, will be getting a new chapter soon.  I have a little bit left to write, then type up.  Estimate a week or two?  I will hopefully start to write a new Tattooed Angel chapter after getting Torn In Two typed up and posted.
          Keep a look out for those things!
          -Lex :)


This weekend on Saturday (my birthday) I will be posting the prologue to Tattooed Angel! I know I've had several people follow me in the past 24 hours (and I thank you all) and I've also had requests to start the story. So it will be up Saturday!