Hello Wattpaders. Ohisashiburidana. I'm sorry for ghosting you all, thank you for being saints of patience & do not worry about anything.
I think I found some of my chapters are unfinished, so feel free to comment which one so I can get to writing them as soon as I'm able to. But I might need to take some time to revise them because I almost forgot what I've written myself lol. That's what happen when you're split in a lot of pieces over your inner conflict, but that's alright. C'est la vie.
If one's broken, one can always mend back. It will take effort and it needs the power of compassion, understanding & time to heal, even if you yourself have to do it alone.
But you are not alone, ever. You have an ILAH you can always find when you're lost, but make sure that one ILAH isn't mortal. This is spoken from a point of view of a supposed Muslim - I hope you don't mind it & try to find meaning behind the term ILAH.
XO, Molly @ Ili.
P.S.: Please don't wait for my replies or chapter updates if I'm gone offline. I'm that flaky. Just kidding! I'm preoccupied with stuff lol.