
@respected Lia Morgan might be true for me feminine and masculine is not matter, it is issue of emotions which gay couple has as I have seen my own real brother who is top and his boyfriend who is bottom both have single boy child (nephew) through surrogacy and lives in Australia. Both of them opined that their kid should address them as father and mother. In name of normalize the fatherhood, gay man can be also be the mother of kid. Why this cannot be normalised,? In the name of normalizing we people started having acceptance of other views but forgot to consider our beliefs and ideas. Society will automatically accept you when you let yourself act in normal way that is called normalizing. Not just in ongoing of wave of normalised everyone should accept that is hypocrisy. When thai bl consider as husband or wife  it is not about top or bottom it is about relationship which two gays think for one other. That's why some viewers accepted, some refuse because nobody has ever watched the transgender and gay man relationship to which one would say husband and wife but two queers can also be like this. 
          Sorry if you feel offend but i didn't meant. 
          Yours thankful. 


Lia Morgan the last line of two husbands or two wives is also itself natural when 
            Someone is open minded and u are that person who is of liberal mind and a lot of respect to you for this. I personally thanks you because I have been ally to gay couple and tried to make parents understand it but yet outcome was not good but acceptance was there no channel of communication so due to which I have to personally funded my brother and his boyfriend, kid to settle in Australia happily. God always bless you and ur family. Let privacy be remains in couple. Wish you happiness


@AdarshAd8 no I wasn't offended I was agreeing with you. I was just implying that in that comment section they were saying Pete's a father because in the series they were classifying the bottoms as wife or Mom when that shouldn't be the reason to classify them as such unless they identified themselves as such, then it would make sense. Pete identifies as male so he is a father, fathers can be loving and nurturing not just mothers. And by deeming one as husband and the other as wife to normalize the concept of same sex relationships,  it's kind of saying that you shouldn't have two husbands in the home or two wives but it's okay or more palatable if they abide by heteronormative masculine & feminine roles. Saying that roles should be kept as one being masculine and one should be feminine to be normalize and understood. 