
This post is all about Technoblade. May we pay our respects to him, and he died last night (UK time) he was a legend to us all especially the minecraft community. The world is too cruel to us especially to him, he had a bright future the world took from him. "TECHNOBLADE NEVER DIES!!" Its true, he will never die as long as he is our hearts, he will never die. We know that he is current in heaven 'defeating the kingdom of god.' I feel like he died too soon, he had Stage 4 Cancer, may we pay our respects. Rest In Peace Alex. You will always be remembered.


This post is all about Technoblade. May we pay our respects to him, and he died last night (UK time) he was a legend to us all especially the minecraft community. The world is too cruel to us especially to him, he had a bright future the world took from him. "TECHNOBLADE NEVER DIES!!" Its true, he will never die as long as he is our hearts, he will never die. We know that he is current in heaven 'defeating the kingdom of god.' I feel like he died too soon, he had Stage 4 Cancer, may we pay our respects. Rest In Peace Alex. You will always be remembered.


heyhey it's me hurriyah 


@YourHoeAndBitch no but i do have snapchat


@YourHoeAndBitch do u have insta btw


So, i may not pst or write in the next few days because, i took a covid vaccine in school yesterday( yes it has come to the time where highschoolers get their vaccination) and my arm hurts like hell. I also have some side affects too- Hope you understand!!


Im fuckin sick as hell now, i have a headache and i feel like i need to vomit-


Hey, I noticed that you have a story and tried reading it. I just wanted to say that even if there are less votes, don't give up! I really like the story and if no one else then I'll surely be here to vote on every chapter
          Lots of virtual hugs and kisses