
My data is about to empty and I still not reload my SIM...
          	It's hard for me to update.. ( T ^T )
          	I will update back my Japanese class when my SIM got reloaded, sorry.
          	- Lia


Hi Lia I’m exposing you. Why? Well it needs to be brought to light because you lied to people by using a fake Japanese teacher in order to validate your Japanese book. You can teach with your university book but there’s no need for you to make up a Japanese person just so you can feel right what you say in Japanese.
          I reversed image “Aria Makoto’s” profile picture and its clearly an example picture from a photo app of a different language...
          Not to mention you guys type EXACTLY the same, level of English is also exactly the same, and also that “harryson” or whoever is the same as well. Its easy to figure out because their bios and yours WERE WRITTEN IN THE SAME FORMAT. And it was weird how “Aria” talked to you first when “her” account was just created... And you decided to “kill” “Aria” off cuz it was convenient for you, you only wanted someone to validate your book.


こんばんわ! ぼく の なまえ べり/まら/ゆきね!
          Is this proper grammar?  (This isn't a trick question, I genuinely can't confirm if I'm correct or not)


@Lia_ilya_Alia and @NotSureHowBigYouAre
            You guys are forgetting about writing in katakana for foreign names


@Hypocrimime yes, no problem! :)