
Guys, you won't believe this, but I've written two chapters in a week, and have the next three planned out! At this rate, Black River Rising might be a whole dang book before the end of the year ;)


Hello everyone! I'm so sorry for the long absence, but life got weird, and writing got really hard for a moment there. Not to worry though, cause I'm back and feeling great, and I have every intention of updating Black River regularly from here on out. 
          Couple notes, what was chapter 13 is now chapter 14, and chapter 13 is brand spankin new.  There have been some minor edits to older chapters, but mostly just grammar things, nothing that changes the pot at all. 
          Hope y'all go check out the new content and let me know what you think!


Hey guys! Happy Holidays to you all! Wanted to let y'all know that here's a new part to A Nameless Fear and a Fish, so feel free to check it out and leave feedback! Also, wanted to let everybody know that, due to holiday prep, Chapter 13 of Black River Rising will be postponed until after Christmas. 
          No reason to be sad though. Chapter 13 will come packed with love, action, treachery, presents, and a special Holiday surprise. It will be posted alongside a lovely (completely non cannon) Black River Holiday Special, starring the whole cast! Who doesn't love a post apocalyptic Xmas?
          So, until then, I hope everyone has a safe and happy Holiday Season. 
          Much love, and well wishes,


My fellow readers and writers, today is an auspicious day. December the 7th is Hyatt Sawyers birthday. Though he is a simple man, Hyatt does enjoy a little celebration on his birthday, so in appreciation for his heroism, humor, and general awesomeness, I invite you all to catch up on Black River Rising. Maybe drop a little line for him to let him know you care ;)
          If you are caught up on Black River, but would be interested in some extra content, secrets, and fun backstory, please head over to 
          Here you will find all sorts of goodies about your favorite characters and places in Black River. This page will be updated periodically as I write more for the book. 
          Thanks for reading this bloated message, and Happy Hyatt day!


Hey guys. So, i finally updated Black River Rising! Great news, and it gets even better. I've done a fairly thorough round of editing and updates that include two whole new scenes in chapters four and eight. These scenes include family feels, cannibalism, and some steamy/awkward romance. So if any of those things are your jam, or you'd just like to read more character backstory, go give those a read. 
          As always, hope you enjoy, and feel free to give feedback. I can't survive without it!