
My Boyfriend Is The Best Yoo


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Donald Trump will have nuclear codes at his finger tips, the army full force will listen to his command, his dumb ass followers will also listen as well. && that also means *poof* world war 3 has began mfs.  
          Cause Trump is temperamental plus he's a fucking racist. That idiot will bomb a country if one man gets on his nerves & that's who y'all will vote for? That's to show you how much racism that is still alive, racism against blacks, Mexicans, Asians etc. All because y'all want to "Make America Great Again" 
          Well listen dumbfucks like what Michelle said America is already great. 
          Adolf Hitler also wanted to make Germany great again  Trump is our modern day Hitler, man.
          If trump wins I'm keeping my vacationing in the Caribbean or other parts of the work, I'm ignoring America like the plague until trump is voted out. 


Today makes one whole year since I've started TR, can you hear me 1 whole MUthafucking year & i don't even have chapter 20 up as yet. I'm trying to get it at 5000 words or at least 3000 Idk. But thank You to those who's still reading, thought everyone gave up on that story cause I was so close to discontinue it. Like fr..
          New chapter will be up by the end of this week at least.