
this message may be offensive
Okay since the Powers of the Quirkless is no more understand this I will never write again on any of my stories anyone gets the brilliant fucking idea to ask me to update seeing as barely a couple hours after already having apparently read my last warning someone goes oh imma ask for an update cos obviously there's no way she really meant that if asked when will update she won't truly stop writing that story. There Wil be no more nice warnings. Cos my rage has been fully unlocked and next person to get the bright fucking idea to pester me over this shit will see my account just get deleted and I quit altogether. I have asked again and again and again and oh look at that again to back the fuck off and just leave me be to write. Not even a full goddamn day after I finally decided to start writing again and I'm on the verge of just saying fuck wattpad once more. I get that readers want stories and shit. That's great. Pissing off the fuckers writing them is not going to ever get that shit done for you. 


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@LiamsTrish FUCK NOT AGAIN WHEN WILL THERE'S FUCKING IDIOTS LEARN TO SHUT THE FUCK UP AND WAIT. Plus I was waiting for the Gundam one but these asshole has gone and done this Shit again 


@MullinLiam if that same person goes onto different stories and starts asking the same a lot of patient people are going to be pissed at them


@KR-Matrixx oh wanna hear the best part? Happened as we was halfway through the new update so she decided nope done writing that story and ended it right then and there. 


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Okay since the Powers of the Quirkless is no more understand this I will never write again on any of my stories anyone gets the brilliant fucking idea to ask me to update seeing as barely a couple hours after already having apparently read my last warning someone goes oh imma ask for an update cos obviously there's no way she really meant that if asked when will update she won't truly stop writing that story. There Wil be no more nice warnings. Cos my rage has been fully unlocked and next person to get the bright fucking idea to pester me over this shit will see my account just get deleted and I quit altogether. I have asked again and again and again and oh look at that again to back the fuck off and just leave me be to write. Not even a full goddamn day after I finally decided to start writing again and I'm on the verge of just saying fuck wattpad once more. I get that readers want stories and shit. That's great. Pissing off the fuckers writing them is not going to ever get that shit done for you. 


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@LiamsTrish FUCK NOT AGAIN WHEN WILL THERE'S FUCKING IDIOTS LEARN TO SHUT THE FUCK UP AND WAIT. Plus I was waiting for the Gundam one but these asshole has gone and done this Shit again 


@MullinLiam if that same person goes onto different stories and starts asking the same a lot of patient people are going to be pissed at them


@KR-Matrixx oh wanna hear the best part? Happened as we was halfway through the new update so she decided nope done writing that story and ended it right then and there. 


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I'm back. I will continue my stories as well as allow and help Liam with the two solo ship stories. However, fair warning I have little patience for people constantly demanding updates or wanting to nitpick details of my stories. If i have to yet again deal with either of those, don't expect me to continue the stories that stuff is mentioned din. As I'll discontinue them, if not outright, delete them. I am tired of dealing with impatient readers and assholes who think I give a shit about their opinions. 


@LiamsTrish Have you try doing the same thing to the people that are ask you for update at all that might get them to stop 


@MullinLiam oh ok, have you watched hazbin Hotel at all 


When it rains, it pours. Due to legal and family issues myself and my bf @MullinLiam will not be updating for an indefinite amount of time. I apologize for those waiting on updates but if we can handle the situation and return we will but for now we will not be updating. 


Hope everything goes well


@LiamsTrish I already know and Im here for yall and also i find it weird for what happened cause what you told me and something else that happened on 


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@ASHTRO285 why the fuck should I be nice to anyone? I had made plenty of mentions both in my own announcements as well as in the izumomo story and a few of my other stories comment sections that I am not mentally well enough to work on my stories. Instead of simply acknowledging that the info was readily available and making excuses then trying to act as if it's on me to be nice to you is about the dumbest fucking choice you could make. So instead of being nice I'll be a massive fucking cunt to you for the rest of our lives. That suit your fancy jackass? 


When is the next fuyumi update 


@LiamsTrish wouldn't surprise me if you ended up deleting your account altogether sis. 


Yeah thats pretty much how I saw this going. 


@ASHTRO285 ooh thats not gonna end well. 