New part of "The Fangirl Inside Me" will be up real soon. Upcoming part is about Doctor Who fandom so stay tuned Whovians! <3 And also, though I couldn't keep up with the latest Doctor Who episodes (Because I've decided to watch the classic who and then watch the rest of the new episodes, you'll know why in my upcoming story part) with the help of Tumblr and Facebook I came to know that Clara has died. I am really sorry. I truly loved her as a companion. Love and hugs! <3 ~Fangirliana

@LianaShabnam I agree with you. She's a great actress and was a fairly good companion. Amy and Rory were my favorites from the new doctors. I think there should be a decent sendoff like they did Amy and Rory. They were dead when the Doctor looked for them, but they had a full life in another time.

@Jensenfan1978 I really don't know what's going on in the show but killing Clara is really rude.

@LianaShabnam We are about three episodes behind and knew the actress was supposed to leave during the Christmas special, but she dies now?