Some of you may have noticed that I deleted Once Upon a Comic and the book after and I also deleted the [unpublished] third book. I have reasons for this.
I must admit, I was partially high on the medicine my doctor gave me. It makes me sleepy and I get numb and I couldn't really concentrate. I wrote stuff that messed up the story line and it wasn't even really a book.
I had a lot happening in my life at the time. I was distracted and bothered and sad and I couldn't do anything.
I was such am amateur writer. I was so bad at writing. I mean, I still am, but I've certainly gotten a lot better.
In the end, all of these things make me want to rewrite it. I didn't take them down because they were embarrassing or weird to me. I took them down so I can rewrite them. I've typed up 3 chapters of about 2000 words already. I haven't edited, but I will.
So, welcome onto my page very soon....Coverage.
(Sorry about typos if there are any, I was in a rush)