
Chapter 11 for “There Is a Light That Never Goes Out” is finally up! I am so very sorry for the long wait in between chapters 10 and 11. College has definitely kept me busy this semester. Thankfully I only have three weeks left! So I will be writing excessively!
          	I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. It’s definitely something different. ;)
          	With much love ~ Mrsmanson6


Chapter 11 for “There Is a Light That Never Goes Out” is finally up! I am so very sorry for the long wait in between chapters 10 and 11. College has definitely kept me busy this semester. Thankfully I only have three weeks left! So I will be writing excessively!
          I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. It’s definitely something different. ;)
          With much love ~ Mrsmanson6


I am so sorry that my story is basically a full re-read at this point. I've had a couple readers message me and tell me that adding additional cheaters in the beginning was uncalled for and stupid.
          Hey, we are only human. I am striving everyday to become a better writer. And I felt that the new chapters and a redo of my first two chapters was necessary. 
          Thank you to all of those who support me. Never could I express in words how thankful I am to have each of my fans in my life. 
          Much love ~ Mrsmanson6


"There Is a Light That Never Goes Out" will be up within the next ten minutes! I am very excited to bring about the NEW beginning. The old one was rather dry. I've made lots of edits and added new content within many different parts also.
          I hope you enjoy this better! :)
          Feel free to let me know how you feel. :)
          With love ~ Mrsmanson6


Hello lovelies!
          I need you to know that "There Is a Light That Never Goes Out" should be back up either sometime tonight or tomorrow! :D
          I'm so sorry for the little break for maintenance here. I have decided to  temporarily take down the story and edit the chapters.
          When I re-publish it, I promise at least three new chapters to follow as well as an addition of crucial events back in the previous chapters.
          I hope I haven't upset anyone.
          Thank you to all of my readers for your support!
          I'll be back very soon! The story is not gone! :) ~ Mrsmanson6


I am so sorry that I have not been able to update "There Is a Light That Never Goes Out" in 3-4 days or so. Unfortunately I've been really busy lately and it's kept me from finishing my writing.
          However, tonight I have published both chapters 7 and 8, so I hope each of you (new and current) readers enjoy where the story goes from here!
          I'll also say that chapter 8 is very, very detailed. The entire chapter is "explicit" as it contains mature/adult content. 
          If you are not comfortable with such details please take caution while reading through the end of chapter 7 as it leads up to the "far more explicit" content in chapter 8.
          I should have at least a few more chapters, if not more, published tomorrow! :D
          I'm looking forward to sharing them with you!
          With love ~ Mrsmanson6


I am 30 minutes late of my original goal to post by midnight, but hey, chapter 6 of "There Is a Light That Never Goes Out" is officially published! 
          As I have mentioned in my previous message also, this is a very detailed chapter! It's extremely fun, at least in my opinion.
          But I do go off the deep end, so please take caution and consideration to that if you are not comfortable with these kinds of things.
          Anyhow, I hope you enjoy! ~ Mrsmanson6


My goal is to have chapter 6 of "There Is a Light That Never Goes Out" published by midnight tonight (10/19/18). I am beyond excited to share what happens next! 
          For both my current readers and possible new readers, I'd like to propose a quick little disclaimer here.
          This next chapter (6) will be very descriptive as far as sexual details go. So here is your "warning" of adult/mature content. ;)
          Happy reading! With love ~ Mrsmanson6


Chapter 5 of "There Is a Light That Never Goes Out" is officially published! I am so excited, as this is really the "breakthrough" chapter! 
          Though there are going to be MANY more chapters after this, I really feel that this is the point where the madness has finally begun!
          Blackie isn't holding back on anything. Neither is Nikki.
          It gets fun!
          Much love, I hope you enjoy! ~ Mrsmanson6


I should have chapter 5 of "There Is a Light That Never Goes Out" published very soon. 
          I'm so very sorry I wasn't able to post it sooner. I've made major edits to the plot and finally settled with the one that fit best. 
          This chapter should be up sometime tonight (10/13/17) or early tomorrow (10/14/17).
          As a small teaser here, this chapter will be called "Closer." Yes, that is based from the Nine Inch Nails song. ;)
          Much love ~ Mrsmanson6