
Hello everyone!
          	I hope the new year is treating you all well. Life has been keeping me busy! I applaud the writers on here who have very busy lives and are still able to update! Here is what’s been happening since I last spoke to you. ArchValley: Ms. White’s initial draft is complete but I have decided to discontinue the book. I’ve revamped most of the world my book A Different World From The Rest resides in. With this revamp Araya’s story is getting rewritten. I plan to wait until I’m about halfway or two thirds done before I start posting chapters. Oh I’m so excited for you all to read this new version! Renegade Sisters is still being slowly worked on. I’m currently working on what creatures to include. There are so many fascinating mythologies to explore and creatures to sort through. It’s been fun learning! I don’t have any new books in the works just yet. I currently don’t have the time or energy to craft a brand new world and story in addition to my current projects. Araya’s story needs to be done before I can add more stories into that world. The Renegade Sisters is a complex story to write. It includes different time periods, creatures from different mythologies, and a quirky friendship between three (four?) creatures. Once Araya’s story is complete and the sisters' story has one or two things flushed out then you’ll see new stories popping up. 
          	Have a wonderful day/night,


Hello everyone!
          I hope the new year is treating you all well. Life has been keeping me busy! I applaud the writers on here who have very busy lives and are still able to update! Here is what’s been happening since I last spoke to you. ArchValley: Ms. White’s initial draft is complete but I have decided to discontinue the book. I’ve revamped most of the world my book A Different World From The Rest resides in. With this revamp Araya’s story is getting rewritten. I plan to wait until I’m about halfway or two thirds done before I start posting chapters. Oh I’m so excited for you all to read this new version! Renegade Sisters is still being slowly worked on. I’m currently working on what creatures to include. There are so many fascinating mythologies to explore and creatures to sort through. It’s been fun learning! I don’t have any new books in the works just yet. I currently don’t have the time or energy to craft a brand new world and story in addition to my current projects. Araya’s story needs to be done before I can add more stories into that world. The Renegade Sisters is a complex story to write. It includes different time periods, creatures from different mythologies, and a quirky friendship between three (four?) creatures. Once Araya’s story is complete and the sisters' story has one or two things flushed out then you’ll see new stories popping up. 
          Have a wonderful day/night,


Hi everyone!! Hope you all are doing well! I’m deeply sorry for going on an accidental hiatus. I was not expecting 2022 to be so busy and hectic for me! I’m expecting 2023 to be the same as well but I want to start updating again. I’m thinking of updating once a month till May and see if I can increase the updates then. ArchValley will be the only one being updated for a while. Renegade Sisters (formerly Shyfox Blood’s Origin) is still under construction. I’ve gotten farther than the original but I don’t like the beginning anymore and want to redo it before I start updating. I have plans on improving Different From The Rest with a better built world than the haphazard one it currently resides in. Most of the stories under Coming Some Day will be in the same world so it’s taking awhile to build it. Have a wonderful day/night!!


Hey everyone! I hope you are all doing well. I found a website that makes polls and wanted to try it out. This poll is about finding a new title for Shyfox Blood Origin (I'm having a hard time picking one) and if the poll goes well I might post more polls on my Instagram for you guys to give me feed back, heavens knows I need it.
          Here's the link:


Hey everyone! I hope you are all doing well. I am in need of some help. I have a story in the works where two characters are in two separate podcasts, the problem is I have no idea what the title will be and what it is about. Can you guys help? The only thing I ask is the it isn't horror and that it is appropriate for all ages. You can leave a comment or private message me. Have an amazing day!


*squeals* I normally don't look at my profile at all and just read or work on my stories, but as I was publishing two chapters on the Course of Obstacles and Different World From the Rest  and I noticed Different World From the Rest is number 227 out of 9.3k stories!! My first story to ever have a ranking!!