Hi, I'm sorry if this terns in to a speech on haw amazing and wonderful you are and your poetry. I have a older brother who is the most annoying and my reason for....personal issues....but when he gets in my head I can read your poems and feel at peace. You are an amazing writer and you should keep writing and sharing it with the world. So thank you, thank you for giving me hope and peace through your writing. Anyone who reads writing from others and judges it negatively would look at your writing and fail to get something bad to say about it. I guess what I am trying to say is keep writing and giving others hope by reading it. If you made it this far I'm my paragraph I have a poem for you. No matter how far or bad No matter haw mad or sad Look up See the light in the dark It may seem far But you have wings so go make your mark Ya it's not the best but I thought you'd like it.

Thank you so vary much for saying my soul is beautiful your is as well. And I will!

You have a beautiful souli am happy to know that my poetry brings peace to someone this amazing. Remember that everything turns out well at the end of the day