Are you going to keep updating your stories or did you stop uploading stories because you got tired of doing it, or did you forget Wattpad or lost your password or what happened to you?, But I hope you update because I really liked a story of yours, I hope the next chapter

@Liger0Schneider You're welcome bro, it's that I don't like it and that something I like is half done (especially stories) since it makes me very intrigued and I start to imagine many continuations that I change for a while, when you feel ready. Come back, I won't go and force you to do nothing

@Amargarrex Well, the short answer is life happened, and I haven't done much writing for any of my stories these past few years. But, I also haven't checked in on this website and stopped getting notifications from it, so yes Wattpad did get a little forgotten lol. (Wow, I can't believe how much it has changed, its a completely different site now!). I do hope to return to writing regularly again soon, and appreciate your interest in one of my stories!