Dragged back to this site once again. No matter how many times I say I'm done, swear it up and down, unless I out and out deleted my account, the temptation will always be there. Considering going ahead and tossing my new works onto here since I doubt anybody reading my currently posted fics is actually following the links in my bio to find me on Ao3 and see how much more I have posted over there compared to here. I think only about a third of all my writing is on here...
@SarahSokol5 and it's one I love lol. I was actually aiming that at the dozen or so people who've either added a fic to their reading list or voted on a chapter or two in the past couple months. With so little interaction here, I doubt they're paying any attention to links offsite. Then again, if they're here for my PnF fics, I doubt they'll have any interest in my new fics, but whatever. Those fandoms could use some content here too.
@LigerCat LOL Welcome back, the reluctant hero trope is a good one. <3 That's true, I'm not on Ao3.