Hi! Thank you for voting for wolf x wolf mother reader.

https://discord.gg/gTxXymqa If this works. If not message me

Hi. I noticed you haven’t updated ‘RED’ in a while and just wanted to know if it’s still ‘in the pipe-line’. I prefer to wait till a story is complete to read it so there is no waiting or it unfortunate becomes discontinued (rather frustrating). So I rather save to my library and just wait with anticipation and watch for the status to say COMPLETE (yay, happy dance). I have saved Red to my library but just wanted to check (not pushing for updates, just to know if it’s still on you ‘To Do’/ ‘currently worked on’ list).

@SnowfakesElegance Gosh. So much to read. Imma start my reply though. 1: I have selective memory. Plenty of real life stuff I cannot remember for the life of me :D. I am as surprised as you that I can remember the difference. It’s actually a little tricky when I’ve gone from one book and straight onto another(twisted/overlapped character shoes)but it does straighten out after a little bit of writing. 2: you’re so welcome about Daisy. I hope I can continue on her story, (damn me for just thinking about making it a literal book). 3: Rivers of Gold is hopefully gonna turn out a series, that will be a companion book(written at same time as another(in this sense)) with the one I actually want to publish. So again. Thank you so much for being to wonderful. I really appreciate it so much. Thank you :)

Ooooo, just found your new book ‘Rivers Of Gold’, Congratulations (and it’s complete, yay, so it’s totally skipped the line in next-to read!). I did skim the the first ‘Non-Chapter’ page and see that this must be the book you were referring to that your hoping to make a series about. The synopsis, again, has caught my attention big time, so I’m desperately tempted to binge on it right now but as a it’s already 1am, I MUST restrain myself and sleep. But I’ll be jumping in with both feet tomorrow (and it even has Yautja characters, got to love them!).

Hi. Wow, no wonder you got so many pieces your still working on. Honestly, how you manage to keep up with your own storylines for each book is simply amazing to me, you must have an awesome memory to not get confused. Also, I will definitely leave your books saved knowing they are still ‘works in progress’ (I don’t mind how long they stay there, I just don’t want to remove them thinking you’d probably discontinued them and then later think about them but inadvertently forget their titles and loose them (I seriously have maxed out my library and all its categories. But I have a several of the categories dedicated to stories that are like yours, ‘yet to completed’, which after some time I flick through to check each book status and move any completed to other categories where I know it’s ready to read. So definitely no pressure to get them done soon as I have so many books saved, but I definitely one day want to immerse myself in those stories of yours that just immediately appealed to me. As for Daisy, thanks for her age. I’m going to reread it again and now that I can properly envision her in my mind everything will probably make way more sense. So thanks so much for such a quick reply when so busy and appreciate answering my questions too. Also looking forward to the new Wattpad works you have going on. Best of luck with all future writings

https://discord.gg/7wG6Jjyn Link to my discord(new with it, sorry)

Chapter 14 - raven feathers, will be out soon, but will contain…unnerving, scenes. So this is just to let you all know ahead of time, and to make you aware in case you get upset after reading it. It’s a full warning. But yeah. It’ll be out soon :)

Ello! I edited Hive King so it’s now neatened up! Yay! Yeah that’s all hahah!

Thanxx for voting on Caught, I hope you’re enjoying it. I have to point out though, to get the big picture, I’d advise to read 9.5ft full of scars as well. Love, Wendy ❤️❤️❤️