


Hey I noticed that you put up a new story. Does this mean you'll reupload your other stories soon too? Just curious


            I hope you'll let me know when u put back up your stories on here. I read them on Quotev but still miss them on here


Oh ok. I was just curious


@Eevee4465 no, I just put that one up for fun. My other stories are still on hiatus. Also, I noticed they're in need of Major editing. 


Hi how you doing 


@shadow_ceris2 I'm very selective when is comes to anime, cartoons, and movies. Also I don't do rp that would be inappropriate, violent, or anything related to that.


@shadow_ceris2 only with those I'm familiar with and if I'm into the Fandom they're rp


Hey everyone, I want to get this out there. Today, we just lost one of the greatest actors that probably made up our childhood—James Earl Jones, at 93. Sure, he was the voice of Darth Vader, but I remember him from The Lion King as Mufasa, the host in the movie Disney's American Legends, Fantasia 2000, Sandlot, and a few others. His voice and career will never be forgotten. And like he said as Mufasa, he'll watch us from the stars.
          Rest in Peace, Mr. Jones. And Thank you.


@Lightgail25 I'm still reeling from the news, tbh. He will always be Mufasa to me.
            (Was hoping he'd voice Aslan from NARNIA one day...he would've been amazing.)


James Earl Jones may be missed, but he will never be forgotten. He is sitting beside the great kings and queens of the past, where he now belongs.
            And while we mourn, we should also be happy to have known such a wonderful man.
            May he Rest In Peace


He will be greatly missed. 


Hi everyone; this is just something I want to get off my chest so that there are no misunderstandings in the future. 
          I have a mental/behavioral disorder called Asperger syndrome. If you're wondering what that is, it's a kind of autism that makes it difficult for people to socialize. Making them awkward to talk to or having an all-absorbing interest in specific topics. It's different for everyone who has it but the results are still the same. 
          It's part of the reason I'm not updating as much: I'm constantly distracted or sidetracked. I apparently tend to message others too often than I should, making them feel annoyed or offended. I also tend to be overly sensitive of things so I ask people to be careful when talking to me. 
          I hope you all understand that I'm not putting things off on purpose or trying to be a nuisance when I try to reach out to some of you. This disorder makes things difficult for me. There's also stuff I deal with in real life outside of writing. So, I hope you all can continue to be patient with me, and if I somehow annoyed or offended some of you, I deeply apologize.


@Lightgail25 Fellow Asperger's syndrome girl right here, Lightgail
            Take your time with updates, but don't stress


@Lightgail25 Dont worry, I have the same syndrome and I understand the feeling. It's one of the reasons why I love writing cause it one of the things that keep me focus. School is difficult cause I feel so unmotivated but I'm so glad that I have people in the community that understand that. 
            Your not alone so take it easy^^♡


            I agree with MiraculousLove1266. U have our support, just take your time and relax. We can wait for the stories. Even though I'm exited for your future updates and when u reupload some of your stories!✨✨