
So a couple weeks back I came across the light novel of Konosuba and read it to where I'm currently writing the book and... the anime skipped a lot of parts from the novel and It might take a bit more time since I'm mix way of implementing the parts that were skipped on the show to this still work in progress chapter. I already have most parts written down already without messing anything up. (I think.)


So a couple weeks back I came across the light novel of Konosuba and read it to where I'm currently writing the book and... the anime skipped a lot of parts from the novel and It might take a bit more time since I'm mix way of implementing the parts that were skipped on the show to this still work in progress chapter. I already have most parts written down already without messing anything up. (I think.)


*Ahem* I feel like I should update you guys on the progress of the chapter to come. It's making progress but because of school I haven't been able to work on it much but it at least gives me the time to think on how I want it to go and to straighten stuff out with the ability I chose and also work on another event I realized I haven't touched much that took me this long to realize. I'll probably take a small break to work on one of the OVA's so I can at least publish something while working on the main chapter.