
I know that I'm just about never on here anymore as I've migrated about 96% of the way to AO3 and, but I really needed a moment to appreciate the community on here. Wattpad has been a place where I can go and geek out about my fandoms and interests in a way I've never been able to do IRL. This site was one of the reasons that I stayed sane in middle school and high school when I felt that I didn't have anybody around me who could understood why I was hyperfixating on different fandoms and not just moving on with the rest of my life as soon as I was done. I don't even care if nobody ever sees what I put on here, but it's a way for me to express myself in a world where nobody understands. Here's your daily reminder that the little things you do matter. You may not notice it in the moment, but somebody will remember it years down the road and you'll have made an impact. I still have fond memories of group chats and reply chains where I made friends that I still remember to this day. All because we understood each other, even when we lived on opposite sides of the globe. So to anyone who actually took the time to read my little rant, thank you. You're part of the reason that I'm still here and haven't gotten swept adrift amongst the swirling gales and sweeping waves that we call life.


I know that I'm just about never on here anymore as I've migrated about 96% of the way to AO3 and, but I really needed a moment to appreciate the community on here. Wattpad has been a place where I can go and geek out about my fandoms and interests in a way I've never been able to do IRL. This site was one of the reasons that I stayed sane in middle school and high school when I felt that I didn't have anybody around me who could understood why I was hyperfixating on different fandoms and not just moving on with the rest of my life as soon as I was done. I don't even care if nobody ever sees what I put on here, but it's a way for me to express myself in a world where nobody understands. Here's your daily reminder that the little things you do matter. You may not notice it in the moment, but somebody will remember it years down the road and you'll have made an impact. I still have fond memories of group chats and reply chains where I made friends that I still remember to this day. All because we understood each other, even when we lived on opposite sides of the globe. So to anyone who actually took the time to read my little rant, thank you. You're part of the reason that I'm still here and haven't gotten swept adrift amongst the swirling gales and sweeping waves that we call life.


Well, first day of VoTech today. My home high school doesn't start until Thursday, but being a senior feels SOOOO weird. For once I'm the *short* top dog in school and people actually pay attention to me for things. Bizarre. 
          On another note, I also got hacked today, so you guys might want to change your passwords on this site (and any others that share the same password/username info). If you don't auto-sign in you might have been asked to change your password. Apparently I was not alone in this today, so they asked everyone who manually signed in to change their password to help prevent the hackers from getting some info. If you want more info you can find it on their help page under the big banner on the top.


Welp... My school just decided to switch to online school the rest of the year. There goes Junior Prom, the Band Banquet, Graduation for the seniors (not too sad to not have to play Pomp and Circumstance), and actually having a teacher teach me. Ugh. At least I can watch Les Miserables, Riverdance, and Phantom of the Opera whenever I like... #REALLIFEPROBLEMS


@LightningStorm2003 Other than the fact that I'm a freshie and therefore no prom, ditto.


Thanks for the follow x 


Fair enough! Sometimes wattpad be like that


@live_life_with_books  I was already following with you, but it glitched and told me I wasn't. I decided I better follow you again. Better safe than sorry!


If you check out my account, you'll see some changes. As I started this account during my awkward middle school phase, it was a bit outdated for my current interests. Yesterday I impulsively decided to manually wipe it. I will be starting anew with fresh content (eventually), and plan to start looking into some new fandoms as well as some older ones. Thanks for those of you who have continued to follow this account, and I'm sorry for those of you who were following my stories. If they are requested back I will consider reposting them, but otherwise I will just start fresh with some new stories I have been thinking up. Thanks for all the continued support! -Mare


GUYS. I literally just noticed that my 16th bday is two weeks from today. Is it wrong that I'm looking forward to piccolo tryouts more??


@LightningStorm2003 Welp...Happy early birthday!


Hey guys! So explanations first?? Over the summer I recently got into a tv show from the 70s called Emergency!. I liked it so much that I wanted to read fanfiction for it, but sadly Wattpad was a little lacking in it so I switched over to I'm coming back but with another fandom in tow. (One more to add to my list...) Anyways, if you have any questions DM me and I'll get back to you as soon as I see it. Thanks! 


@LightningStorm2003 haha! Thanks for the follow! I hope you enjoy them! 


@Theatrefangirl014 that comment deserves a follow! Congrats on nominating yourself to be my new Emergency! buddy. Only time will tell if that's a good thing...


@LightningStorm2003 I love Emergency! Yes, I have a account as well! There are a lot of Emergency! stories on that site. I'm working to get more on Wattpad, though :)




They are so cute together

