LightofNightinggale,can you make can make chapter stories about op male character which he is half human/half pureblood vampire hybrid plus he possessing very powerful regenerative healing abilities,decelerated aging/immortality,contaminant immunity,weather resistance,immunity to pureblood vampire's bites,immune to all vampire's(including pureblood vampire)vulnerabilities,enhanced superhuman strength,durability,stamina,speed,agility,reflexes and endurance and he possessing very powerful magic to turn level e and level d ex-human vampires back into human(which it can turn them back into human with one touch at his hand.),preventing human turn back into pureblood vampire(this very powerful magic can prevent humans turn back into pureblood vampires which it can reversed all effects of returning back into pureblood vampire at 0 percent and immensely slows down all of effects of returning back into pureblood vampire meaning that they stay as humans at one touch at his hand.),preventing pureblood vampire asborbed his power,very powerful healing magic,projection magic(trace version),reinforcement magic and unlimited blade works(his element and affinity is sword.).

His Unlimited Blade Works Chant I am the bone of my sword. Steel is my body and fire is my blood. I have created over a thousand blades. Unknown to death,Nor Known to life. Have withstood pain to create many weapons. Yet,those hands will never hold anything. So as i pray,Unlimited Blade Works. As he evorking a variant of Unlimited Blade Works.