
Next time you decide to critize my friends story... you should consider looking at OWN work.. sex slave to 1D... by 12 twelve year old... honestly...


When you publish something on Wattpad, you expect people to criticize it. I don't see why the girl would get butthurt over other peoples messages when it's her choice to post her "story" on Wattpad. This is the Internet, if you get sad about people telling you the truth, then the Internet is obviously not the place for you. The only reason why some people are very serious when criticizing this story is because it glamorizes rape and sex slaves. Rape and sex slaves are a serious issue we face today. Writing a fanfiction about it with a completely unrealistic main character who's like: "Oh! Sex slave! That's bloody fantastic!" is just horrible. I'm sure the author appreciates you defending her, but let's be honest, the story is not great and I do believe it needs to swept away from this site. Along with the other 1D Sex Slave fanfictions crawling up.


I understand that people didn't have to read her fanfic, but she wrote about someone being a SEX SLAVE. That is disgusting, and it unfortunately is a real thing in many other countries. That's terrible!


You know, I find it very disturbing that you're about 12 or 13 and you're writing a book about being a sex slave. Just so you know, there's no romance in being a sex slave. Sex isn't love. The people who do that, they don't feel love for their "slaves". Anyway, you shouldn't be writing a R Rated book at 12