Is it wrong that I’m currently considering writing a mlm book with a character named Adam and a character named Steve just so I can make an Adam and Steve joke...?
Hi love!!!
Thanks for adding my book to your reading list. It means the world to me. If you like romance books with smut, I guarantee you will love this book. Mwah❤❤❤
Thanks for the follow! Glad to meet someone that's not a bot! Did you read a book of mine or did I follow you first? (フォローしてくれてありがとう!ボットではない誰かに会えてうれしいです!あなたは私の本を読みましたか、それとも私が最初にあなたをフォローしましたか?)
Ofc! I just read the descriptions or your book and I’m rly excited for you to start posting chapters it sounds rly good (lol Ikr! the pains of being broke af).
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