@LilAspieKitten237 Sorry this is such a long wait to reply to this, but I felt really impacted by what you wrote.
Physical and mental beratement are not acceptable ways to educate a child. If a child is told to tell the truth, and gets beaten for it, the child will learn to hide and lie, because then, if you cover it up, you won't get punished, whether or not you deserve it. My friend has a mom like this, and she learned to create intricate lies to tell her mom to get away with simple, meaningless, things that should would have been punished for. Like, getting one failing grade on a test. Keeping a bag of chips in her room. Not cleaning her closet, but her room was clean. Punishment for speaking to them is not healthy, nor should be acceptable.
You mother was wrong to hit you for that situation. If she bought that jacket for you, then the responsibility is yours on what happens to it. If it was hers, and you lost it, then it's spilled milk - nothing you can do about it. She should have listened to you when you were being harassed by those on the bus, and understood that you were not comfortable in the situation and decided to save yourself and leave quickly. The jacket shouldn't matter. If it matters more than you, then she shouldn't buy you anything.
I understand I don't know everything that goes on in your family, but please, don't accept that being hit and verbally berated by your family members, the ones that are supposed to love you the most in the world, is something inevitable. It's not, and it's not okay.
Please watch out for your health, and please talk to a friend about this. Finding someone to console in, even if it's just being heard. Having someone listen matters something.
I honestly pray for your health and happiness in your future, and that you find people that truly care for you.