
Hello everybody,I am going to be taking a break from Wattpad.
          	As I may or may not have said,I don’t really write down my thoughts EXCEPT for on Wattpad.Almost everything in all my stories has come directly from the top of my head onto the chapter.
          	But I don’t want to do that anymore,I want to actually start writing script for ALL my stories so that I can solidify my ideas.
          	A lot of times I will lose my original vision for a story I had and it’ll end up sort of devolving.I want to be able to execute these ideas properly and do them justice.
          	From now on,I will have no certain schedule for when I upload chapters and I cannot promise the same consistency as before.Of course,it won’t take a horrendous amount of time.In general,it shouldn’t take any more than a week to upload a new chapter.
          	However I don’t know exactly when I’ll be back,but this break shouldn’t take forever either.
          	Thank you all for your support,and I hope I can keep it when I come back.
          	Peace out for now and thank you.


Hello everybody,I am going to be taking a break from Wattpad.
          As I may or may not have said,I don’t really write down my thoughts EXCEPT for on Wattpad.Almost everything in all my stories has come directly from the top of my head onto the chapter.
          But I don’t want to do that anymore,I want to actually start writing script for ALL my stories so that I can solidify my ideas.
          A lot of times I will lose my original vision for a story I had and it’ll end up sort of devolving.I want to be able to execute these ideas properly and do them justice.
          From now on,I will have no certain schedule for when I upload chapters and I cannot promise the same consistency as before.Of course,it won’t take a horrendous amount of time.In general,it shouldn’t take any more than a week to upload a new chapter.
          However I don’t know exactly when I’ll be back,but this break shouldn’t take forever either.
          Thank you all for your support,and I hope I can keep it when I come back.
          Peace out for now and thank you.


Hi, I want to recommend you an unusual story with an unusual idea, and I wonder how you would do it if you wrote it.The story could be great. If it is implemented correctly.


This is definitely interesting,I will keep this in mind.


I hope you’re doing well. I manage the Green Fantasy YouTube Channel , where I create "what if" scenarios for Naruto and MHA, inspired by fanfiction stories I read and analyze. I’d love it if you could check out my channel.
          Would it be okay for me to adapt your work into an audio format for my channel? I’ll give you full credit and include your links in the video and description.
          Thanks for your time! I look forward to hearing from you.


Hello,I would absolutely be honored to have my works adapted.I’d love to do them myself but get caught up just doing other things.Please do credit me.Other than that,have fun.


Hi , I want to recommend 2 short stories invented by MHA fans. One in the form of a comic book ( ) 6 chapters each, as well as videos ( ) also 6 chapters each. I thought if you look at them, you'll find something interesting for yourself.


Hello everyone,the time has come.I have decided to completely stop this story and scrap it,eventually I will bring it back remastered.This new version of it will have more chapters put unto it and certain arcs of the story will be given more depth.However, it’s only going to be possible if I actually finally have a script,or at the very least something to help lay out my ideas like my notes app.This will still be a solo story,and sadly,you will not see this remastered story for a while,as there are other series ideas I’ve been thinking about during this story’s run. Thank you and sorry if you were enjoying this series,of course I’m not going to get rid of its old version,not until the new version’s up.For now,we will be going back to what if’s.Again, thank you for your support and I hope I still have it.


Hey everyone,I’m going to be honest with you,I think I’m going to take a big turn here. The Spider-Man story has been successful and everything,but it isn’t what I wanted.I had a whole vision but couldn’t solidify it and so went off the top of my head at many parts of the story.It’s become so distorted from what I originally wanted and I’m not sure what to do.This story was meant to have a lot more depth than it does and the worst part is I COULD have put it in if I had just solidified the ideas in my head beforehand.There’s also so many ideas I’ve been having for other stories while writing this.I’m not sure if this is for sure the move, but I’m considering stopping the Spider-man story here and scrapping it for a massive rewrite,not only giving it more depth and re doing certain arcs,but also doing those other stories while solidifying my plan.I’m not entirely sure yet,but for now I’ll be on a break for this upcoming week to truly think it through.Thanks for your support everyone,it means a lot and I hope I can keep it.


I did not think of that but that is certainly something I will keep mind.


@LilJ1122 Tell me, have you thought about the story in which Harry Osborne became Spider-Man? This would be interesting because Harry has always wanted approval from his father, and his father is a villain, and here he will have to make a choice: either get his father's approval and become a villain, or become a hero and go against his father.


Hi, I want to offer you an idea about MHA and the symbiont.
          And another short but interesting story about the symbiont as an example.


@LilJ1122 Before the events of the original series, she could merge with him and hunt people, and at the same time remained a pretty girl at school for everyone.  There are so many stories about heroes, but I want something about the villain. In the manga, in the 428th chapter of MHA, Himiko Toga's death was officially confirmed. And I'm very upset because Toga was one of the most interesting and well-crafted characters (which is very rare among the female characters in this story). And I think it's sad because all the heroes are alive, which is not the case with the villains. Toga was an interesting character because she was born that way. She cannot be cured because she is not sick, her desire cannot be suppressed because bloodlust is natural for her. And all this raises the question: "Is there a place for such a person?" And, in my opinion, this makes her a very interesting person.


Okay,I’m listening.


Hello everyone,I have an important announcement to make,I am going to take a break rom wattpad this upcoming week.This is to really solidify and cement my writing and direction for the story I’m doing currently and the ones I’m going to do after,as well as take time to relax mentally.Thank you for all of your support on all of my stores thus far.


Hey everyone,recently I’ve been noticing that my story “The story of the strongest Spider-Man” has been marked as mature multiple times.While I have no problems with this,I also sometimes tend to mark stories as mature on accident and have to unmark them.I would like to know if this is genuinely the community doing it so I know to stop unmarking it,please tell me and thank you for your support.