this message may be offensive
To all bullies:
That boy you pushed today, committed suicide a few minutes ago. That girl you called fat. She's starving herself. The boy you made you made fun of for crying, him mother is dying. That girl you called a whore. She was raped. The man with the scare you made fun of. He fought for out country. That woman you hit. Is being abused. That man you stole a bag from. He was homeless. That girl you called a "wanna be boy" there transgender. Those boys on the street selling lemonade you took there money. That money was to help there dying sister.
Think about this before you desire to bully. Re-post this if you care. Some people don't. Please if I re-posted so can you.. Thank you.
@midnight-nightmares and @call_me_Nate
P.s. I'm the girl who gets called and "wanna be boy"