
I'm BACK :) lol


Hi I'm Lisa Im not meaning to bug anyone just get my story across to people who might like it or find it interesting. If it's not your taste I thank you anyways for at least reading this. 
          Saying Goodbye
          There's a girl- Ali
          There's 2 brothers- Nick and Riley
          There's a dad who beats his daughter
          There's a rich dangerous dad who wants his oldest son to follow in his footsteps
          Nick helps Ali cope with her life
          They fall for each other despite the problems their love brings
          ONLY he's not the only one who loves her.
          Another brother secretly loves her.
          Nick dies....or does he?
          Ali mourns his death in dangerous ways and ends up falling
          BUT what if falling meant you were betraying the one you loved?
          WHAT IF some BIG life altering secret came out exposing everyone you trusted?


Hey!!!!! thank you so much for fanning me!!! i really really appreciate it!! Kust wondering which story it was that made you fan??????? 
          i should be uploading both of my stories tomorrow so hopefully you'll check them out and comment (good or bad - i just like the feedback!) and maybe vote if you like it!!! 
          hope you update yours soon i NEED to know the damn twist!!!!!!!!