
Please read to avoid immersing in a sinfu l life.
          	Please read to be aware of the sinfulness.
          	Please read to make life a better place.
          	Read only if you want to, and share....


a small token token kindness (01st january 2023)  
          steadfast sunsets, crooked mornings; lake a crowd of gleaming mournings. lyrics that burn, bones hopeless; tongue of wind, it rarely stays. a future of magma, temple and cityscape; humans among humans, a home bereft. 
          a birth that bleeds, a firmament of fleeting wisps; feet smelling of earth, lips a facade, what we appreciate. filigree like rain, a blush of darker reign; summer distorted, desert a burning lace. panaroma of a kaleidoscope, a bard like grackle; pits of doubt and a park of frission. 
          jardin de tuileries, seeds of breezes; memory endearments and waves of freedom. satin scents, devoted petals; barricaded branches and canvas of dripping enchantments. convivial music, lily trenchants; reflective denouements, fulgent waterfalls of wisterias. 
          violent fears, chalices of secrets; numbing encouragements,  frosted vanilla. oscillating mountains, cloved cessations; tainted vicolos, bricks of dried redolences. parasols of petrichor, labyrinth of moonflowers; tower of desire, rose precipices. keep a smile, with flowers divine; they grow not on well made roads but through the rough womb of mother earth. 


السلام عليكم
          Dear sister, i was hoping if youd like to read my books "ENCOUNTERING HER" or "THE DISMANTLE OF HIS KINGDOM". I'd hopefully not disappoint you. Do share your thoughts if it interests you.
          Jazak Allah khair.
          Your sister in Islam,
          Niqabi ❤


            Jazak Allah sister, your support means a lot. Jazak Allah for supporting "OBLIVIOUS". May you be blessed for this efforts, to spread Islam, and awareness. Please share, and tag, so many can be aware-warned, ones can heart can change, in sha Allah.
            I'm very glad you loved it. And that is reality. As Muslims we, I shall not be afraid of spreading Islam. The world is engaging and moving towards fitnah with a great pace. It is very scary. And that's one of the major signs of Qiyamah. Minor signs of Qiyamah have been completed, and even the majors are happening.
            I'm trying to do what I can, and that why I ask everyone to share and tag as much as possible, we also need to warn Muslim authors-readers through this, so they'd be aware-warned. At least let our message reach them, and Allah will change their hearts. In sha Allah. We are the messengers of the prophets, and our duty is to spread the beauty of Islam, the knowledge of Islam, I'm going to take the advantage of being a wattpader and do what I'm capable of by the will of Allah. One's heart changes, in sha Allah. We will be questioned for having the capability of spreading Islam. Did we? The screens are right before us, our fingers are in great health, our minds are healthy, we can type down so much about Islam. We can change many hearts and minds by the will of Allah. We also have the opportunity to protect the ummah, be it few, at least I'll be able to answer that I tried, and through those few, it would lead to more, and more in sha Allah. Allah s.w.t says in QUR'AN, that whoever tries to help or support Islam, the person will be victorious. In sha Allah, we can protect so many, countless from sinning, ONLY if we try. Don't be afraid of shy, this is Islam, this is to protect your and others Akhirah and life in this world, to reach heaven. In sha Allah. 
            NIQABI ❤


            Walleikum Salam, sister.
            I was searching for "Encountering Her" when I came across one of your book "Oblivious" and mashallah it was beautiful, even though I haven't finish reading it.
            Inshallah, Allah s.w.a will reward you for sharing d knowledge he bestowed upon u. and the Dua's from the readers and I to u shall come to pass, inshallah.
            by the grace of Allah,I will read one of your books and share my thoughts inshallah.
            Wa Antum Fa jazakumullah khairan....
            Allah Hafiz.
            Your sister in Islam,


Hello fellow Nigerian☺☺


Oh, yea before i forget thx for following me


@kimmyoy yes i am, i am soooo in nigeria, am in benin city, edo state. So where are u.


            OMG , are u serious?
            where in Nigeria