
AAAAAAGH! Knowledge Unfurling has GLITCHED! The title has turned into … and the description is GONE! And the draft i had half-written for chapter 13 is GONE AS WELL!


It’s BACK! But the chapter isn’t :’(


Hey everyone I’ve been writing a Nevermoor story on Ao3 and it only has 2 chapters should i post it here?


It has 3 chapters now if anyone cares :'(


It’s called Distracted


username change! (what do you guys think?)


@WoF_and_Wunder awesome new username!!!


If any of you know my HoO collab story - I am closing the collab part and just publishing my OC’s PoV as a proper story. Since the one person who actually wrote a bit isn’t contributing (I’m not mad btw, Swiftie_Shipper) i think it’s safe to say the whole thing i tried to do won’t work out.


Dear @Lilac_Wolf,
          Hi! How are you doing? How's life treating you?
          I feel that I owe you an apology. When I asked for the link to your collaborative story, I made an unofficial commitment to write regularly. I did not honor that commitment. 
          I failed to take into account my two ongoing oneshot books that I really want to be able to update regularly, in addition to the two unpublished stories I'm trying to write before putting them out. I am really excited to write with you (eventually), but I don't imagine I will be able to soon. I'm truly sorry about this and I hope you weren't offended when I neglected to help you write the book. Your writing is incredible and I can't wait to work with you in the future. 
          However, I also have to think about school because we're starting to get homework and we're also starting to think more about entrance exams and school application.
          I hope you don't take this badly.


Honestly, not being distracted by the collab story means I have more time to write my main story, so this is a blessing in desguise!


Thats totally fine! I dont mind, and im glad you told me. :)


Also, if you change your mind about wanting me to write with you, I would totally understand. No hard feelings, I promise.


          I DID IT
          i FINALLY published chapter 10!!! 
          We are officially 2/3 of the way through Knowledge unfurling (not including the prologue) and I still have so much to look forward to with this story! I hope you all like the new chapter, and i'll probably be writing a bit more the next week or so because its the school holidays again! 
          -Lilac :)


Hey guys! How’s it going?
          I WOULD do a bit of writing if I hadn’t just done 3 hours of homework. Instead I will probably unwind by watching YouTube videos of funny moments from Staged. 
          I hope to publish another chapter soonish (no promises though, still writers blocked)!


@Lilac_WoF Okee, thats fine :)