Hey guys... I'm sorry for leaving you puddingpops hanging for so long I haven't been able to access the site for quite a while... A a a sand I've been brainstorming new story ideas since I found out that there's this other YA book that has pretty much the same plot line. I would love to continue my book as there were a lot of great unique qualities in the story as far as the quirkiness of the characters and the special moments that I had written in, but COME. ON. People... We're going for AUTHENTICITY here. Just please Don't hate me, I love you all so much and I'm just thinking of something better at the time being. OH! and Shout out to @tae_lovve she's a really sweet caring and lovable person who just so happens to be my nearest ever never to be replaced extraterrestrial out of this world friend... U guys should totes check out her wattpad page. But anyways that's about it... Hope you beautiful marshmallow peeps enjoy yourselves and have a good night. Love you all so much and unlike family it's not like I have to its 'cause I want to and u guys are truly lovable. ≥3≤

Hey again guys... I just wanted to know what you peoples' opinions before I did anything with my story. Do I keep it or delete it?