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This week has so far been one of worst I’ve had in my life. One of my indoor cats got pneumonia and she’s not doing great. This cat is like my best friend and I absolutely adore her. The vets gave me the option to send her to another clinic that has an oxygen cage she can stay in, but that’s 600 dollars a day and with recent events that’s 600 dollars that I don’t have. They sent her home with medication but she’s so fucking weak and the fact that there is nothing more I can be doing that I’m not already doing is destroying me inside. She’s so weak she won’t eat or drink, so I have so give her water in a syringe. This cat never meows, she only ever makes this odd little sound that I for the life of me can’t describe, let she has meowed more today than I have ever heard her meow in the almost 6 years I’ve had her. Right now it’s a waiting game to see if she’ll recover.

@LilahGrey I'm sorry to hear about that. Pets are definitely a big part of our lives. I hope she recovers soon and that the rest of this month goes superb for you.