— Read it all.
. . . I mean it.
— Read it all.
. . . If you were killed, I wouldn't be at your funeral.
. . .
. . . I'd be in jail, for killing the person who killed you.
— We are true friends.
. . . We ride together, we die together.
— Send this to everybody you care about, including me.
. . . See how many times you get this.
— If I don't get this back, I understand.
. . . But I have a game for you:
— Once you read this letter,
. . . You must send this to fifteen [15] people you love, including me.
— If you get at least three [3], you are loved.
. . . Nobody knows how important something is, until they lose it.
— Midnight [Right around 12:00 AM], the person you love will realize they love you.
. . . Then at 1:00 AM to 2:00 AM, be ready for the shock of your life.
— If you break this chain, you'll have bad luck [though, i don't really believe this–]
. . . Tomorrow, two boys/girls will ask “Can I have your number?”
— Send this to fifteen [15] people or bad luck will stoke you for a year.
. . . Good luck! ✨
[though i don't really believe that bad luck will come if you don't pass this message on. it's alright — i don't think anything bad will happen to you if you don't pass it on. so don't worry <3]