
this message may be offensive
why the fuck was I so moody back then?... anyways hello again people just here because I'm contemplating if I should make story's of my OC's again... but not like before idk


Since im probably permanently staying off this app I will be removing everything that I have made only one book has been delete as for the main two that I made I have just unpublished them so if anyone even remembers this account and is reading this I will not respond to any comments I may come back to this app but if I don't please Forget me you are free to unfollow me and erase my existence from your mind as of i am doing to this account and if i somehow remember this app in the future that would be a surprise and goodbye to you all and stay safe during these hard times hope your all ok.
                         Sincerely, Alex




Kinda ok I guess. How are you?


@Josephnickprower sorry this is late (just got back on wattpad) but hi


this message may be offensive
Hi everyone i am back on wattpad I was taking a break from my phone so that I could heal from all the things that has happend to me Over the past few weeks that i was gone. I will be updating my books as soon as possible since i was away for longer than i pland on... i will see if i can finish that drawing i did for you Mia-and-Jess ... I should have finished it by now but i didnt even touch my sketch book even though its almost the only thing that helps me in these sort's of things... so i hope thats ok with you Jess. I will be absentee from wattpad temporarily going online then offline so that i can finish everything that i need to and since wattpad was so time consuming (before) that i was not able to go outside as much since i whanted. I needed wi-fi, I was constantly waiting for new update's from books that i love, being on social media more than being in reality, constantly worrying my family because i would decline food to stay on social media. thats why i was gone for so long i had forgoten my phone and the only time i had remembered my phone was to  talk to my friends on discord witch i was rarely even on there and just to listen to music i stoped "drawing on myself" and started to talk to my family more but i never told them about that and they never notice... Just my younger brother witch hes still mean to me no mater what but... all that i cared about was that me, my family, my imaginary friends (even though im "too old for that"), my new baby cat/kitten, and my social midia friends where still with me every step of the way and that im still with them on this crazy rollercoaster called life thats completely random... So all i have to say is-
          Hi my nickname's are blue, lbd, wondering soul, that one girl, bad art girl & blue the bitch... And im back and ready for whatever crazy shit i get into now since im all buckled up on this crazy ride called life.


Thanks Mia-and-jess


Thank you <3 im very tired right now so ima sleep... Good evening?


Hey everyone... Ummm... I wont be on wattpad for a long time... and jess im not done with the drawing the old one got lost so im making a new one... Oh the reasson why im not on wattpad is because of school and issues that i have  so yah thats why i wont be on wattpad fir a long time... Ill send out another message wen Im back... 


@Littlebluedragonwolf okay bai.....I'll miss chu..


 K bye I'll miss you


Also my books published date will be cancelled.


Taking a test so going to be offline for a few hours wish meh luck!


            You're welcome! I hope it goes great on Thursday as well!


@SevenSinz  Thanks! Im not done with the test yet though finishing it  on Thursday when I have that period again but again thanks!