
questo messaggio potrebbe essere offensivo
Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!! (Holy fuck this is late... Sorry.)


@HayHayThePotterish  Yeah it has  got a new acc... I lost my passcode to my google acc to I vouldnt sign back into this acc


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!!!PLEASE READ, IMPORTANT!!! (See below for shorted ver.)
          Hello everybody. Um... This is my account. Uhhh... Okay look, I'm im sorry. Okay? This year, and the past year, has beeen shit. I lost passcode to my google account so I could not sign into ANYTHING I had. I could have gotton a knew acc but hate starting over when it comes to things like this. So after not only losing my acc pass, I lost my whole laptop ... Yeah umm lemme just say it was moms fault *looks away* um no really. My family and I ending moving to Canada so I hadn't haf my laptop. I put it in my laptop bag and it got lost in the ruckus... I'm sorry and I know I should have paid more attention to my things, but we all thought my bag was in the moving van, I was sorely mistaken as it was obviously not. We had checked the van when got there and find it without my bag. I thought I would get it back once I came back to America to visit my family one last time before officially moving to another fucking part the world. It wasn't at my old house either... At this point I was devastated. I couldn't fucking find my laptop bag, or laptop. Keep in mind, my laptop bag is a bright silver school backback that I used to use. I had no reason to bring to school because I had a another bag I was using. I am now a phone typing this all out on a new account. Again, I'm sorry. I will try to eventually continue my stories on this new account. I'm sorry for those of you guys waiting on an update for any of my stories but for now, they ALL on hold/hatius. Or discontinued... So far. Once again, I apologize. I promise I WILL continue them as soon as I can. Right now is not the time. Seeing as I will being strated school gmagin soon, I cannot start up these storues again. HOWEVER, I will. I promise. Okay bye this hurt to type...


          Hi. Uhm. It's me Lillian, I go by Harley now. I just wanna sorry. I lost my laptop during my mving process to Canada and I didnt know the passcode to my google account, so this is the outcome. I have a new acc and I will my current stories. Please have patience as I will not posting them for a while. I will (try to) finish my current stories before picking new ones... Uhm like said, TRY. I have a habbit of strting new ones before finishing my old ones.  
          Thank you reading this if you did, and I'm sorry, again, that I have taken so long. And that this was long, it was supposed to short  Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful Day/Night. Whatever time is for you, and wherever you are, I hope all the best. Stay safe, and keep your masks on. I know covid is hard but it will get better, I promise. It always will. Just believe in yourself and other dont forget to say your goodnights and love yous to your loved ones. And if you dont have loved ones, I love you. Goodnight/Goodmorning, and wonderful night/morning.
          Until we meet again, Farewell. 
                                             - Harley (Lillian/Jace)


questo messaggio potrebbe essere offensivo
Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!! (Holy fuck this is late... Sorry.)


@HayHayThePotterish  Yeah it has  got a new acc... I lost my passcode to my google acc to I vouldnt sign back into this acc


okay, so like...
          I really really don't want to misgender or use your wrong name so...
          What are your main pronouns and name...? if you don't mind me asking. 
          Oh and if you haven't gotten into it or seen it, I think you miiight like Haikyuu and/or The Hunger Games.


            Np, and thank you for suggestions, I've watched the Hunger Games before and i do know know Haikyuu!! but thank you for suggestions! :)


            Hello! Sorry i am replying so late, But thank you for asking. I am girl but i perferd to called they/them and you can call me Jane. Thank you sm for asking : )