
@KirkHaggerty - LOL, but it's such fun ... ;)


Lilian Kendrick left last night for a trip to heaven. We are sad she left, but I hope she has been greeted with those who went before her.


@Number41 You must have been very close and I'm so sorry her passing had anything to do with your writing. I'm sure she would hate hearing it. I met her on Authonomy as well and was one of her beta readers. She had a beautiful way with words not to mention the stories swimming in her head. It's good to remember her gifts to us.


@SueHart2 I was informed of Lillian's passing last year. I was unable to write for a long time. She was my editor and my friend. We partnered together writing 4 books when we were still on Authonomy.  At the moment it is still difficult for me to write again.