
Hello everyone! I just published the first chapter of the sequel to Alpha Pierce is Mine, called The Game Changer. It's super cool and you all should go check It out! It's writing season boys!!!!


WOWWWW!! I have been gone for sooo long! So my laptop literally broke down like....I don't even know how long ago, and I have been through so so much this summer so I never really got it fixed. I've been going through a ton with my anxiety and my stomach has really been hurting for the three months since I've gotten home from camp this summer. My mom thinks I have developed a stomach ulcer, but we won't know until my doctor's appointment NEXT Wednesday so that's great. Anywho, I've been working on a special sequel to my most popular book (I'm sure you can guess which one ;)) 
          I love you all!


@Lilin8er love u too Lily! ❤❤


Haven't been on in a while, but I just updated APIM! We are reaching the end, lovelies! But not to worry, I will be starting a new book when I am finished with Alpha Pierce Is Mine. I hope you guys really like chapter 27, and have a beautiful day no matter where you are!


Know I haven't talked to you guys in a while so I just wanted to say hi! You all are amazing and I wanted to remind you guys that we are at about 2.5 thousand votes! WHAAAAAT? 
          Thank you thank you thank you!