
Homestuck Lemons and One-Shots has been deleted, I'm not sure why. All I know is it says I deleted it and I didn't. I will be republishing every story I wrote in it starting tomorrow and I will be doing requests as well. I saved everything that I ever wrote so it shouldn't take that much time. I will republish two stories a day and take requests along with it. If anyone has any questions or concerns please let me know. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience, I hope everything will be back up and normal soon c:  


@_Homestuck4life_  alright, I think I might have to do that, I'll probably have to start that this weekend and I'll publish one story a day I think 


You should put a mature content warning so NO RANDOM N00B OR IDIOT CAN FRIKKIN FLAG IT!!
          	  (Not mad at you just the person :P) but you CAN put it back up if you put a warning label on it then any flagger is told they can't flag it :P


@LilithBurke thats too bad some idiot probably flagged it


Hey Lilith I love your stories especially dragon princess and fire within. I know this may sound selfish but I would like it if you could give a shout out as I am finding it hard to get people to started reading my books. Even if you can't give me a shoutout I would love it if you could just have a read of them both. Thx your biggest fan Rogue❤❤


Homestuck Lemons and One-Shots has been deleted, I'm not sure why. All I know is it says I deleted it and I didn't. I will be republishing every story I wrote in it starting tomorrow and I will be doing requests as well. I saved everything that I ever wrote so it shouldn't take that much time. I will republish two stories a day and take requests along with it. If anyone has any questions or concerns please let me know. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience, I hope everything will be back up and normal soon c:  


@_Homestuck4life_  alright, I think I might have to do that, I'll probably have to start that this weekend and I'll publish one story a day I think 


You should put a mature content warning so NO RANDOM N00B OR IDIOT CAN FRIKKIN FLAG IT!!
            (Not mad at you just the person :P) but you CAN put it back up if you put a warning label on it then any flagger is told they can't flag it :P


@LilithBurke thats too bad some idiot probably flagged it


There have been a fair amount of problems when some of you try to read my stories (mainly on the Homestuck Lemons and Oneshots) where you can't either read the story or only bits and pieces. I'm not sure why this is, but anyone that has trouble with this please message me or leave a comment here and I'll send you the story that you are unable to read. I want to keep my readers happy and I'll take the time to help you when I can c: 
          I hope this helps and makes all of you happy c: