
Hey y'all! 
          	I'm awful, I know! I'm sorry for the drop in chapters, I'm working on getting back into the swing of things and starting slow as I'm just out of whack and had quite a bit to catch up on at work. That being said I'm FINALLY caught up. (Thank goodness!) 
          	I have some exciting news that I am looking to not only upgrade my writing set up this year, but also work towards elevating my writing again. It's log due time that I put more into my writing than I have been. I'm hoping to get some chapters knocked out for 'Alpha's Gymnast' and with luck, this cold doesn't last too long. Fingers crossed!
          	Happy Reading! <3


Hey y'all! 
          I'm awful, I know! I'm sorry for the drop in chapters, I'm working on getting back into the swing of things and starting slow as I'm just out of whack and had quite a bit to catch up on at work. That being said I'm FINALLY caught up. (Thank goodness!) 
          I have some exciting news that I am looking to not only upgrade my writing set up this year, but also work towards elevating my writing again. It's log due time that I put more into my writing than I have been. I'm hoping to get some chapters knocked out for 'Alpha's Gymnast' and with luck, this cold doesn't last too long. Fingers crossed!
          Happy Reading! <3


Hey hope all is well. Just wondering when you're going to finish Arctic Storm? I need to know what happens on the O'Kane ranch.  Pleeeeeaaaase 


@LashondaCopus6 I'm working on it as we speak! I'm crossing my fingers to have more chapters to post shortly! <3


Looking forward to your stories again. Take care and Happy new year to you and yours


@crazy1024  Thank you! Happy New years and may you have a blessed start to 2025! <3


Hey y'all!
          I know it has been forever and I just disappeared off of the face of the earth, I feel awful about that! There's been so much going on and so much to process these few months that writing just felt impossible. I'm so ready to have a schedule again and be in the swing of writing like normal. 
          Two weeks max and I will be back to posting and finding passion for writing again! 
          Happy Reading and a Happy New Year!


Hi, i just wanted u to i loved ur book alpha's gymnast, and wanted to know if ull be posting another chapter ??


@sacritty I'm so glad to hear that! I will be posting another chapter soon! <3


Hi when n will you update The alpha gymnast?


Hey y'all!
          I hate to do this to y'all, I've had a lot going in the past few weeks and I'm afraid the burnout has caught up. Rather than write poor chapters for the stories I'm going to take this week as a down week so to speak and not post. Since I've missed this Sunday's post of 'Arctic' Storm' I'm going to drop two chapters next week to make up for it.
          And I will look to have the newest chapter of 'Erotica' up in a few weeks. Thank you all for your responses on my polls. And as always, all of the support you guys leave, it truly keeps me going and striving to become a better writer. I'm looking to improve more so I can write better stories ;)
          Happy Reading! <3


Hey y'all!!
          Editing for 'My Knight' is finally complete and I somehow managed to find an extra chapter... So you're welcome? I'm going to pretend like I meant to do that lol. I highly suggest every reread it if you've enjoyed the serious because some things have changed. 
          Happy Reading!


Hey y'all!
          I'm back! This week has been full of every thing but down time to write. I'd like to say it was out of my hands but, that'd be ignorant of me. 'My Knight' isn't finished yet, I will have the finally of the book done by this Sunday, if not sooner! I'm going to keep my fingers crossed!
          Back to the normal posting schedule!
          Happy Reading!


@Blu-Cannotsay Yes, 'Alpha's Gymnast' will be posted today!! ❤️❤️ 


@LillianneYoung so no alpha's gymnast this week until My knight is finished?