Yo so, 2020 aye? It's been an absolute whirlwind of a year! I got an unconditional offer for my top choice university back in October last year, I celebrated new years with my absolute best friends in the world, got stressed about exams in January, felt extremely lonely at valentines, finished school a whole two months early, went into three whole months of lockdown, passed my last set of school exams, 3 Bs and a C, moved cities with two of my best friends, started mostly online uni, turned 18, got a crush on one boy and was rejected, fell in love with another only for him to start sleeping with a friend (ouch) but over all I am HAPPY, I think anyway. I love my friends, I adore my university course, Immunology, if anyone cares, I survived three months at uni without catching covid and I think I'm as close to thriving as you can be under the current circumstances.
I won't deny that it has been an incredibly difficult year but even some of the hardest days came with a little bit of sunshine, whether that be the simple joy of laughing with my friends or making dinner with my flatmates. It's important to acknowledge the hard days, the ones where we cry and feel hurt, those help us grow but it's also important to look for the light days, ones where you laugh for hours or smile so hard your face hurts.
I might not have an exact map of where I am and most days I feel like I'm constantly battling up hill but this is life, this is what things are like in 2020 and I am beyond excited for 2021 and the possibilities it could bring.
So to 2021, let it bring love, happiness and a little relief to the burning trashcan of 2020!